Discover our different insurances for expatriates in Ixelles

Insurance for expatriates in Brussels

Our brokerage office MB Consult combines extensive expertise and technical knowledge to facilitate your access to car, fire and health insurance policies whether you are a director or member of an international institution, an embassy, a diplomatic mission, or an official of the European Commission, NATO, etc. We offer these organizations and their employees insurance solutions adapted to their status. Our role is to help you define your specific needs, compare the offers available on the market, and then propose contracts from several insurers. We help you to optimize your insurance and enjoy maximum benefits without paying too much. We evaluate offers in the field of car, fire and health insurance for embassies, European and international institutions, etc.

Car Insurance

Driving in the centre of Brussels is not always an easy task, especially at peak times. An accident can happen quickly, especially if you have a tight schedule between two meetings across town. This is why we support you and give you access to a network of service providers active in the automotive sector, both in Europe and internationally. Thanks to our auto insurance packages perfectly targeting your specific needs, whether you are a director or member of an International Institution, an embassy, a diplomatic mission, or an official at the European Commission or NATO, you will benefit from global coverage and protection defined according to your requirements.

We provide you with the best rates on the market for all aspects of car insurance. As brokers, we do everything we can to find the best car assistance services anywhere in the world. Whether it is for a flat tire, a snag, or an engine problem, we offer solutions that take into account your status and cover all possible situations.

Health Care and Fire Insurance

We support you and give you access to a network of healthcare and fire service providers in Europe or internationally. Thanks to our insurance packages that perfectly target the specific needs of you or your staff and foundation, you will benefit from comprehensive coverage and protection defined according to your health and fire insurance requirements.

We provide you with the best health care insurance rates for everything from hospitalisation, medicines, vaccinations, medical checks abroad, emergency medical repatriation, or group health insurance… As brokers, we also do everything we can to find the best fire insurance services everywhere. Did your Institution’s offices burn or suffer damage as a result of the fire? Don’t worry, we are here to offer you contracts that take into account your status as an International Institution, an embassy, a diplomatic mission, or an official at the European Commission or NATO in order to cover all possible situations.

We provide you with solutions in terms of car insurance, health care and fire insurance, and we intervene to ensure that you find the right assistance and security. These for international institutions, such as embassies for example, cover many types of problems you are likely to encounter: broken car, broken window, illness, burning offices. But with your broker MB Consult, don’t worry. We offer you the best offers for you or your staff nationally and internationally.